Saturday 10 August 2013

Production Floor meant for girl or not?

Let me start this blog with one simple question ''Why do many aspiring Niftian despise Apparel Industry?'' 
Now let me refrain this one to avoid any series of catechism from you that ''Why Niftian graduated girls can't work in production floor''? Exceptions are always there and formidable but still it is very few.

During the campus placement it is made clear that production floor is not meant for girl. They can either go to Merchandising,Retail or planning.You can hardly see any NIFT graduated girl working in production floor, We are pursuing Apparel production course in NIFT, and it's so ironical that majority of them prefer retail, merchandise over production. I have been contemplating this for couple of months and now I can see the difference. 

This we can observe in Internship period itself. Most NIFT girls make hullabaloo of this Apparel internship in Production floor. No doubt, production floor is tough place to work. It's not job but it's mostly working condition scenario. One can easily find during this 11th hour of shipment. I will call this a cycle of predicament.

Buyer puts pressure on the Manufacturing industry. The General Manager (GM) put pressure on Managers. The Managers nags on his subordinates. The Subordinates nag on supervisor , supervisors nag on the operator and the operator don't give a damn. People here have bad temperament and I don't blame them but I don't like the grumbling and nagging on each other. It's analogical to the poor governance of the state, and all this happening due to the summation of external and internal factor.

Let me edify about the above statement. The buyer is a external factor who anyhow want their shipment reach on time regardless of the adversaries what manufacturing company is facing. Rather than not looking into the root problem of the manufacturing unit they simply want their condition to be fulfilled, no matter what. The poor communication between Buyer and the manufacturer has really hampered the industry. So, it's simple get in touch with goodwill.
Now the internal factor, the auditing team of the manufacturing unit is itself to be blamed. For sake of auditing they check the production unit undermining the future prospect. They will just point out the problem not the solution. It's time for them to change their attitude because now auditing should not be merely formalities but also a panacea.
Now, I am not digressing from the subject as it is inter-related. Coming to the women, Indian government did try to make amicable working environment by amending in law in 2007. According to this, a woman can work during night shift. But, later this came out to be a total fiasco in Apparel Industry. It's not feasible at this point of time. In IT industry it is still prevalent. Why is there so much ambiguity?
By this we can still say that Apparel Industry is not so cordial for the women. Therefore we can axiomatically conclude that Production floor is not an ideal place to work regardless of gender or your background. One really has to be belligerent,blatant and stoic as fort. "Stand Still and face the will".

It's not the matter of survival but it's about the procreating the holistic working condition. Whenever you link the word 'survival' to any industry then that means it's not convivial place to work. Why to make so hard??  Production Floor will be good place to work when women finds it congenial.


  1. see, there is truth in this article but it really depends on person to person, For instance I personally know many female NIFTians who would happily join production floor. If the person is tough and can handle workers well... understand the job hours and is willing to word really hard then why not?
    But, personally I would rather not. Not because I have anything against production floors but I am much more interested in other fields.. :) :) :)

  2. I agree with you that the production floor of an apparel industry is a tough place for a woman o work. But it is not only because of the working order, it as so because the men, the more dominating part of our society, have made it tough for her.
    It is not easy working amidst people who sexually harass you, look down upon you and don't respect you. It is tough to concentrate when you are subject to catcalls, jeering, and a lot of other nonsense.
    Once all this diminishes, I think, I personally, wont have any problem in working on a production floor.

  3. i don't think that it's just the girls who make a hullabaloo out of apparel internship and production floor, boys too r equally allergic rather terrified by production floor barring few. and buyer has got no role in all this internal affairs of industry, especially the production floor. there's an agreement between the buyer and the manufacturer and he has full right to get his product delivered on time.
    and finally, if a girl can hold guns in her hand and guard the borders along with men, she can withstand the pessure of production floor equally well.

  4. i have no problem working in production floor but i am not interested at all in screwing up my head for more than 8 hours and dat too 6 days in a week .. sometyms more than that.. :) :) :) when there is an option for easy going than why would i go for a crumbled path ;) ;) :D

  5. Thanks Adrita, Nikita, Gunjan, Tanya for your valuable comments.
    I would like to be optimistic for the time being. May be it will take 5 to 10 years, and let's make this wait worthy.
