Friday 16 August 2013

The Insatiable Curiosity about Work and Time Study

A generic term for those techniques, particularly method study and work measurement, which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts, and which lead systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement.
Work Study is the systematic study of an operation or process to ensure the best possible use of the human and material resources available. The prime aim is to improve productivity. The application of Work Study to a department or company is made to improve the existing method of operation, as a result change will occur which will affect all personnel - irrespective of status.
Work study objectives 

The object of applying Work Study is to obtain the optimum use of the human and material resources, which are available to it. The benefits may stem from improvements in one or more of the following:
  • Increased production and productivity
  • Reduced costs - labor, material, overheads
  • Improvement of conditions, which involve an element of excessive fatigue or danger
  • Improved quality     
  • Better control of costs
Work study benefits

Work Study can considerably increase productivity. People can benefit from, less tiring work, better working conditions and, because an efficient company can meet competition successfully, better employment prospects. Work Study raises efficiency by RE-ORGANISATION OF WORK. It therefore need involve little or no capital expenditure. Yet, where such an outlay is desirable, Work Study can ensure that it is spent to the best advantage. Work Study is systematic; its procedures are designed to ensure that no factors affecting the situation are overlooked.
In the series of all catechism one may really ask about need for Work and Time study standard data at first place. For this we have to start from beginning. Before commencement of any production a series of work goes on. First of all style Buyer sends its sample to production unit. The Industrial Engineer picks the brains of the sample and does the Operation Breakdown. It is done in order to find the Standard allowance Minute (SAM) and number and types of machines, types of folder requirement etc. In short we can say that a standard and target is set.

How the OB SAM is calculated?

OB SAM is calculated with the help of Predetermined Time Study method. Apparel Industry generally follows General Sewing Data (GSD). It is derived from MTM-1 and MTM-2. It has many elements. Based on these elements the work and time study for each operation is done by I.E department. Then depending upon Industry policy of PFDs allowances is added for each operation and final OB is determined. In general Personal Fatigue Delay (PFD) is taken as 15%.

What is the significance of OB?

This is very interesting question, or rather one may ask rhetorically that how the hell OB plays a critical role in Worker-Management relationship. It plays important role in setting up pay performance for operator. OB SAM is also required for calculating operator’s performance.
For instance let’s take some hypothetical situation. An operator ‘X’ is assigned to do attach a main label in unfinished garment. There are 1000 pieces in a day and Standard Minute Value (SMV) of this operation is predetermined as 0.30. Also, he attends for 480 minutes. But in actual he waits 60 minutes for work and also there is 20 minutes machine breakdown.
So, SMV produced = 1000 x 0.30 = 300
Total work disruption= (60+20) minutes = 80 minutes

And Time ‘on standard’= Time attended-Time wasted
                                      = (480 – 80) minutes
                                      = (400) minutes

Operator’s Performance = (SMV produced/Time on standard) x 100

In this Case,   (300/400) x 100 = 75%

Many will question the accountability of OB SAM because of being so ambiguous sometime. The Labour Association might create the hell-bent of a situation because they would like to make this more realistic and keeping in mind that operators are human being. Henceforth PFD is included in every operation. But the questions also arises that is it enough? The Labour Union will always verify its ambiguity. GSD is sophisticated and cumbersome tool to determine the Work and Time Study. The novice cannot apply it without proper training. Supervisor is a voice of operators. So he should be learning this technical stuff. But in current scenario it is nearly impossible for any company to invest in training. There are 2 reasons for that:

  1.  It takes huge amount of time in learning at least 6 months.
  2. Huge invested and dedication required learning Work and Time study.

So here what MODAPTS© can change the whole scenario in any industry. It is easy to learn and easy to apply. People with minimum qualification or basic High School education can apply them. You don’t have to be pedantic for that. It has been proven that result of OB SAM by both GSD and MODAPTS will remain almost equal.
I will talk about Modapts in my upcoming blog, so brace yourself.

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