Thursday 1 August 2013

Karmik Personal Committee Meeting from Creche

HR Manager giving instruction
Today unexpectedly there was Monthly meeting about Personal Protective Equipment. BL International is very conscious about welfare for their employer and employee. This meeting is done to make sure smooth running of the industry.
Types of meeting:

In every 3 months five meetings are held. They are as follow:

1) Health & Safety
In this awareness about various problem like respiratory, preventive safety measure etc are talked about.

2) Grievances
In this operator's problem is listened by Personal Committee. Then they find better panacea for there problems. Usually operators comes with the problem such as sour behaving of supervisor, or Wages issues, seeking financial assistance etc.

3) Work Committee
In this various ergonomic issues discussed thoroughly. It also include eyesight compatibility issue. All employee from cutting room and production room can participate.

4) Sexual Harassment Prevention
This special meeting is held for women. The personal committee catechize women employee of their problem. Like 'Do any male employee troubles or ogle at you?'
They also ask if they are comfortable in working with other male employee.
If any case is found regarding Sexual Harassment then Police case is lodged against that male employee and immediately he is terminated from his job.

5)Canteen Committee
In this food, tea and snacks issue is discussed. The improvement in food quality is prime motive. So Personal committee ask the employee for suggestion regarding change in food menu.

Health & Safety meeting can be divided further into two events:
1) Chemical application and safety
2) Personal Protective Equipment

In chemical meeting discussion about correct procedure and uses of chemical is used. The washing & finishing department is given prime importance.

In Personal Protective Equipment various issues like compatibility issue with safety equipment is discussed. Any one can participate in this meeting.
So today I got golden opportunity to comprehend this situation.
Safety equipment used such as Gloves, Mask and specs.
Then Personal committee question the participants about the correct procedure and methodology of this equipment. They even ask them to demonstrate.

Ponder over this

This one is very interesting. I found this in HR office.It's says that You can't change life in One minute but one minute wisdom thought of decision can change rest of our life.

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